I have decided to take a break from talking about my most embarrassing moments. Not because I don't enjoy sharing them, but because it's my blog and I can do what I want.
Don't you all worry, I still have plenty of embarrassment to share, they will just be scattered throughout the blog whenever I feel like talking about them.
Now that that is covered, let us move on.
When I finally moved out of my mom's house after I graduated college, I felt so free.
I lived alone.
I could come home whenever I wanted to and not have to worry about waking up my roommates. I never wore pants. I watched Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings on repeat, quoting every line perfectly, and I didn't have to listen to my sisters yelling at me to shut up. I could listen to and choreograph dances to Broadway showtunes without judgement. My books found a safe home without fear of being creased. It was honestly one of the most amazing times in my life.
I had never lived alone before, so I really didn't know what to expect. Having 5 siblings meant that I always had to share a room with someone. In college, I had multiple roommates. This was the first time in my life in which I was completely alone, and there was no turning back for me.
This was my first taste of independence. A lot of people think that college is your first real independent experience, but I never felt that way. You see, my brother and I went to the same college, so I never really felt like I was on my own.
Independence came to me when I moved down the road from my mom. Literally down the road. Other than the house number, our addresses were exactly the same.
Anyway, things were great in my apartment. I felt so good about myself. I always knew that I would do well on my own, and now I had the proof. Everything was perfect until, one afternoon, I decided to go and get groceries.
In one of the bags was a delicious snack. A gloriously large jar of kosher dill pickles. This jar, very quickly, became my enemy.
I couldn't open it.
I tried every trick in the book. I used a dry towel to get a good grip on the jar. Didn't work. I tapped the edge of the lid on the counter, rotating as needed. Didn't work. I used a bottle opener to try and wedge it open. Didn't work. I burst into tears, pleading with it about how hungry I was. Didn't work.
Crying over a jar of unopened pickles. What had I become?
I had this stubborn fuck of a jar sitting in my fridge for 2 weeks, taunting me. Multiple times a day I would open the door and just see it staring back at me, with it's dumb face.
(I drew a face on it at one point because I had clearly gone insane, and saw a jar of pickles as my enemy. Figured I needed to make it as dramatic as possible because of who I am as a person.)
I couldn't do anything about it, I felt helpless. I contemplated asking my best friend, who is 200 pounds of pure beefy muscle, to open it, but I felt that that would mean I wasn't as independent as I thought. Also, he hates pickles and if I had to listen to him complain about getting covered in pickle juice, I would have thrown the whole jar at him. It got to the point where I almost put it in my sink and smashed it with a hammer. I contemplated eating glass shard ridden pickles just so this jar didn't win! It was in that moment, that I knew it already had.
I caved.
I called my dad crying because I couldn't open it. No matter what I did, it wouldn't open. He told me he would come help, so he ended up driving 30 minutes to my apartment solely to open a jar of pickles. He walked into the apartment to find me curled up on the kitchen floor clutching a gigantic jar of pickles, crying. He didn't say a word. He just picked up the jar, opened it WITH ZERO FUCKING EFFORT, put the jar back into my arms, and left. Angered, I screamed, "I LOOSENED IT FOR YOU!" as he walked out the door.
Rebecca's Adulthood Survival Tip #8: Being independent does not mean you still don't need help every once in a while. You are still a strong, independent person, even if you have to call your parents crying about a jar of pickles you can't open. Just don't call your siblings, they WILL make fun of you and won't be of any help at all.
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